Welcome to the Loop!

Jul 30, 2018 | by Hawnuh Lee

loop face illustration

Closed Loop Cooking is a platform to explore sustainable food systems – your guide to a low waste / low impact kitchen. I’m excited to share plant-based recipes and tried-and-true tips to help reduce food waste and single use kitchen items. This is my imperfect documentation of tasting, trying, and talking with as many folks as I can.

This space is about creating accessible resources that help you start making small changes. In a perfect world we don’t eat anything processed out of a single use wrapper but those salt and vinegar chips hidden at the back of my pantry aren’t going to eat themselves at 1 o’clock in the morning.

I’ll be interviewing folks involved in sustainable eating habits and looking for better alternative materials / methods to share. I’ll be trying new ingredients and offering some custom made kitchen items you can invest in for the long haul.

Stay hungry,
Hawnuh Lee
Closed Loop Cooking

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