Scrap Supper | Winter Edition
Hello friends! After receiving such positive feedback from our last dinner we’re happy to announce our next Scrap Supper pop-up, Winter Edition! It’s happening Tuesday, December 18th 2018 at Tendue in Portland, OR. If you happen to be in town or know a friend who might be interested you can buy tickets starting today right here….
December 4, 2018 | by Hawnuh Lee
8 things you can do with a (clean) dish towel
Dish towels don’t get enough respect. A clean, absorbent cloth is one of the best, most versatile tools in the kitchen and is totally underrated.
November 20, 2018 | by Hawnuh Lee
Living Sustainably with Amanda McLemore of Baguette & Butter
The contents of Amanda McLemore’s pantry look more like what you might find in your great grandmother’s kitchen than that of a typical 2018 home. Trained chef and founder of the website Baguette & Butter, Amanda seeks to teach a sustainable American food culture through kitchen, garden, and simple life skills.
October 30, 2018 | by Maia Welbel
4 great ways to use strawberry tops
A little shared secret about strawberry tops – you can totally eat ‘em! They’ve got the same lovely strawberry flavor and the greens are packed with vitamins!
October 23, 2018 | by Hawnuh Lee
The Improvisational Kitchen
Improvisational cooking takes the seemingly random ingredients in your pantry / fridge and through resourcefulness, creativity, and trial + error transforms them into something edible.
October 11, 2018 | by Hawnuh Lee
The Scrap Supper Series
I was inspired to call the series “Scrap Supper” to highlight unconventional ingredients used throughout the meal, to help capture our resourcefulness, and provide meaning to an often overlooked subject. This was more than just a meal, this was an occasion.
September 27, 2018 | by Hawnuh Lee
5 easy swaps towards a low impact kitchen
Introducing manageable, low impact changes in the kitchen over time is much more effective than abrupt swaps that force you to quickly change your behavior.
September 8, 2018 | by Hawnuh Lee
Your low impact produce wash guide
Getting in the habit of washing your produce as soon as you get home from the store or market makes it super easy to use it later throughout the week. You don’t need anything fancy for this wash!
August 30, 2018 | by Hawnuh Lee
Going Litterless with Celia Ristow
Celia is the founder of the blog Litterless, a guide to zero waste living with zero stress or judgement. In addition to being the person I text when I achieve the perfect coconut oil pie crust, she has inspired me to be more conscious of the waste I create, and introduced me to strategies for reducing it.
August 23, 2018 | by Maia Welbel
Reusable bag magic
Fight the urge to use that conveniently placed roll of plastic produce bags my friend! That filmy sleeve won’t last you long but it will last basically forever on the planet.
August 2, 2018 | by Hawnuh Lee
Your guide to finding seasonal produce
For anyone who cooks or is interested in food, seasonally sourced ingredients are top of mind. Finding ingredients in season can be a fun process, to contribute to your low waste cooking practice.
July 31, 2018 | by Hawnuh Lee
Welcome to the Loop!
Closed Loop Cooking is a platform to explore sustainable food systems – your guide to a low waste / low impact kitchen. I’m excited to share plant-based recipes and tried-and-true tips to help reduce food waste and single use kitchen items. This is my imperfect documentation of tasting, trying, and talking with as many folks…
July 30, 2018 | by Hawnuh Lee