Homemade hummus is a great way to reduce plastic packaging. You can invest in some bulk dried beans and save on that excess of plastic containers we’ve all been known to hold onto until they’re well past their prime. This spread is easily customized and you can make use of extra aromatics you have on hand or other beans if you want to experiment. It’s a versatile option when groceries are running low as well as a family favorite. Not that I share too often, let’s be real.
If you’re looking for bulk options you can often find beans through a local wholesaler. For Portland folx I love Rinella Produce. They distribute wholesale to individuals as well as restaurants, so there is no minimum. A solid resource for filling out that plant-based pantry. Stocking up on dried legumes is a great way to be prepared, reduce your time spent grocery shopping and have a variety of options for your improvisational cooking practice.
If you’ve got leftover sourdough discard, these crackers are a match made in heaven with this spicy hummus! You’re welcome!
What’s your favorite hummus topping?? Let us know in the comments! #closedloopcooking
Stay hungry,
Hawnuh Lee