Why stalks though? Besides being delicious the broccoli stalk is often discarded as many folx don’t know that it is, in fact, edible. The stalk takes longer to cook than the delicate florets and the disconnect between cooking times or general lack of context in conventional grocery stores, cooking channels, and wherever else you’re looking at broccoli leads to misinformation and unfortunately stalks in the bin. The brocc stalk is quite versatile – you can save for scrap stock, eat it raw, or cook through until tender. The flavor is nuanced and a great addition to most savory dishes. Paired here with the hazelnuts, there’s a note a sweetness that makes for a well-balanced dish.
Don’t let that stalk go to waste!
Let us know if you give this recipe a try! (And you should cause it’s de-lish.) #closedloopcooking
Stay hungry,
Hawnuh Lee
Closed Loop Cooking