How to make a plant-based charcuterie board

It might have started with getting stuck with the role of a dancing heart who sang-begged the audience to be my valentine in a school play, but I haven’t been one to embrace the holiday. And besides giving us the idea to pick up a pizza or two, it has passed like any other day over the years of my marriage (having extremely chill holidays is a love language we share). But historical humiliation and apathy aside, I’ve decided to welcome Valentine’s Day this year. It’s also called the Feast of Saint Valentine, so I’m putting a heavy emphasis on feast–incorporating a food component into anything is a quick way to get me participating, and I’m especially thrilled if I get to put together some type of charcuterie board.

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vegan charcuterie board
vegan charcuterie board

Layering landscapes and weaving together all kinds of different textures and flavors is endlessly satisfying to me. Our pantry is usually well-stocked with staple and seasonal ingredients so I start there when deciding what to make, and often come up with new recipes or combinations. You can go DIY with the entire thing, but there are also many wonderful plant-based meats, cheeses, etc. that you can buy to fill out your board. 

I invite you to join me in writing a love note (to yourself or anyone else) in food form this February. Components I chose are listed under each category in bold along with additional suggestions for crafting your own. Feel free to create new categories and go as big or small as you want. Just focus on your favorite treats–anything bite-sized, spreadable, or dip-worthy should do!


How to make a plant-based charcuterie board   by

Layering landscapes and weaving together all kinds of different textures and flavors is endlessly satisfying to me. Starting with a well stocked pantry is a great way to build your own plant-based (vegan) charcuterie board.

makes: 2 - 4 servings | total time: 45 min

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vegan charcuterie board


  1. The art of the charcuterie board is curating your favorite flavors. Pick and choose from a mix of ingredients and recipes mentioned above to compile a board to your liking.
  2. Organize things imperfectly and enjoy!
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